Firekeeper Process

The Firekeepers meet physically for the annual meeting in Pontresina in August. The next meeting will take place from 27–30 August 2024, again in Pontresina. The same applies to the public programme, which will take place from 30 August – 1 September 2024. In the time until then, we will be working online and in working groups on the deepening of the thematic strands.

Collective donation fund

We created a collective donation fund to ensure that individuals who may be facing financial constraints can participate in this meaningful endeavour. Your donation will help ensure that diverse voices are heard at the WorldEthicForum. If you feel inspired to contribute to the participation of the Firekeepers, click on this link.

Thematic priorities for the coming years

From the findings during our time in Pontresina and conversations that have percolated since, so far, seven topic strands have crystallized and will be explored together in depth over the next few years.

  • Ethical Ground Work: exploring, excavating, and critically reflecting different ethical questions and possible perspectives of a world ethic — including required competencies — that enables radically shared aliveness and adapting and translating it to diverse contexts and scales.
  • Decolonisation – Equity – Diversity – Inclusion: gesturing toward a future that transcends colonial patterns and integrates the awareness for an inclusive, equitable, and diverse society, including the sharpening of the definition of what our common understanding of these terms are and practices that embody that.
  • Healing – Restoration – Reconciliation: establishing new, equal, and trusting relationships. It may include learning about the past and present, acknowledging and remedying harms that have taken place in the past, and taking action to build a just and equitable future for all.
  • Stewardship of Bioregions – Agriculture and Food: taking into account that political, cultural, and economic systems are more sustainable and just if they are organized around naturally defined areas (i.e., flora, fauna, landforms, climate, and watersheds) and working towards a world in which borders are set according to ecological and cultural “permeable boundaries”.
  • Youth, Children, Elders, Parents – Intergenerational Dialogue: bringing together the voices and wisdom of different generations and sitting with the big(ger) questions of our times. Leaning into regenerative attitudes and steps together while learning through passing knowledge *up and down* the different age groups.
  • Kinship – Relating to all Living Beings: engaging in a world filled with relationships and rooting ourselves in cosmovision where all forms of beings - including watersheds, forests, mountains, animals, air, and so many other expressions of life - are acknowledged and respected equally. Hence adapt our actions and ways of beings accordingly.
  • Responsible Economy – New forms of Economy: working towards new and responsible forms of economy through exploring their required structures, ingredients, and contextual implementation on a micro and macro level.