Those who keep the fire alive
The WorldEthicForum is designed as a 7-year research journey embarked upon by 50 inspirational leaders. These Firekeepers came together from different geographical locations, ethnic groups and fields of activity. Together we define our approach and deepen our connections at online events and at the forum in Pontresina during the northern summer. We exchange knowledge, refine our theses and create conditions and structures so that we can exist and develop as a group over seven years.
The Firekeepers are persons who are deeply committed to a radically shared aliveness in their workplaces, communities and projects. They are intimately connected to the land and places which supports their work. Through writing, painting, active engagement, community building, research, and other forms of expression, they work to strengthen the connections between all forms of life, raise awareness and create and enliven relationships.
The Firekeepers seek to share their unique expressions of radically shared aliveness and work with others around the world, and in this way contribute to creating a healthier, regenerative and caring planet. They include various councillors of the World Future Council.
Photo: Valentina Bosio-Raynard
Photo: Robert Gortana
Alexandra Wandel is the spokeswoman for the board of the World Future Council Foundation. She coordinates the work of a global council of 50 thought leaders from all over the world. She directs the Future Policy Award, which is given in the fields of environmental protection and nature conservation, human rights and peace, and in partnership with the United Nations. She has previously worked for Friends of the Earth International in Brussels, Ecopeace Middle East in Cairo and Jerusalem, Greenpeace in Hamburg and for MEPs in Strasbourg, Brussels and Potsdam. She is an associate member of the German Society of the Club of Rome, a commission member of the UNESCO book series "Voices of Future Generations" and a founding member of Lichtpunkt, a trauma therapy centre for refugees in Hamburg. She is the mother of two daughters.
As an electrical engineer and project manager, Ivo Hutzli's path led him from industry to culture in 2006 via cultural management studies. His focus was always on supporting people, groups and organizations, as well as his interest in complex systems. Since 2020, his consulting services have gradually shifted towards permaculture with a focus on holistic process support in agriculture and education.
He is also involved in the following organizations:
- Triple Bottom Line Association (Organisationsentwicklung)
- Verein ReKuLa - Regenerative Kulturlandschaften (Member of the Board)
- TransformationsGarten - Regeneratives Ernährungsnetz Oberaargau (Initiator)
- Verein "Kinder in der Permakultur – Schweiz" (Member of the Board)
- Stiftung Zukunftsrat (Foundation Council).
I am a Lecturer at the University of the Gambia and a Climate Change negotiator for the government of the Gambia at the UNFCCC. Among other functions, am an award-winning environmentalist and an accredited Multidisciplinary Researcher. I have over ten years of experience in voluntarism and activism on the environment and climate change in The Gambia.