Those who keep the fire alive

The WorldEthicForum is designed as a 7-year research journey embarked upon by 50 inspirational leaders. These Firekeepers came together from different geographical locations, ethnic groups and fields of activity. Together we define our approach and deepen our connections at online events and at the forum in Pontresina during the northern summer. We exchange knowledge, refine our theses and create conditions and structures so that we can exist and develop as a group over seven years.

The Firekeepers are persons who are deeply committed to a radically shared aliveness in their workplaces, communities and projects.
 They are intimately connected to the land and places which supports their work. Through writing, painting, active engagement, community building, research, and other forms of expression, they work to strengthen the connections between all forms of life, raise awareness and create and enliven relationships.

The Firekeepers seek to share their unique expressions of radically shared aliveness and work with others around the world, and in this way contribute to creating a healthier, regenerative and caring planet. They include various councillors of the World Future Council.


Prof. Dr. Vandana Shiva
Initiator of Navdanya and Matroness of the WorldEthicForum (IND)
Vandana Shiva founded Navdanya, a national movement to protect the diversity and integrity of living resources, especially native seeds. Dr. Shiva has contributed in fundamental ways to changing the practice and paradigms of agriculture and food. Dr. Shiva is a Founding Board Member of many important organizations such as the International Forum on Globalisation and Diverse Women for Diversity. She is a member of the World Future Council.
Dr. phil. Andreas Weber
Writer and journalist (DEU)
Andreas Weber obtained a Ph.D. in philosophy in 2003 with the thesis Natur als Bedeutung. Versuch einer semiotischen Theorie des Lebendigen. He has worked as a journalist for publications such as Die Zeit, GEO, Merian and Greenpeace Magazin. In his monographs, such as Alles fühlt. Mensch, Natur und die Revolution der Lebenswissenschaften, Biokapital. Die Versöhnung von Wirtschaft, Natur und Mensch und Lebendigkeit. Eine erotische Ökologie, he promotes concepts such as sensation, subjectivity and beauty as fundamental for interpreting the world.
Photo: Valentina Bosio-Raynard
Dr. Bayo Akomolafe
Author and speaker (IND)
Bayo Akomolafe is globally recognized for his poetic, unconventional, counterintuitive take on global crisis, civic action and social change. He is the Executive Director and Chief Curator for the Emergence Network – a post-activist project – and host of the online course We will dance with Mountains. He is author and editor of We will tell our own story! with Professors Molefi Kete Asante and Augustine Nwoye, and These Wilds Beyond our Fences: Letters to my Daughter on Humanity's Search for Home.
Christian Felber
Initiator of the Economy for the Common Good (AUT)
Christian Felber is a writer, university lecturer and contemporary dancer in Vienna. He is the initiator of the Economy for the Common Good and the Cooperative for the Common Good. Several bestsellers include Change everything. Creating an Economy for the Common Good and Money. The new rules of the game, which was awarded the getAbstract International Book Award 2014. The Economy for the Common Good received the ZEIT-Wissen Award in 2017. In 2021, the "Economy for the Common Good" was on the SPIEGEL bestseller list.
Photo: Robert Gortana
"After an era of fragmentation, specialisation and optimisation of subsystems, what is needed now is synopsis, cohesion and optimisation of the common good. For me, this is what the WorldEthicForum stands for."
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Dr. C. Otto Scharmer
Senior Lecturer and Co-Founder of the Presencing Institute (USA)
Otto Scharmer chairs the MIT IDEAS program for cross-sector innovation and introduced the concept of «presencing» – learning from the emerging future – in his bestselling books Theory U and Presence. He launched an annual innovation infrastructure called Societal Transformation Lab that helps teams to reinvent economies and advance democracies. The United Nations Deputy Secretary-General appointed him to the UN Learning Advisory Council for the 2030 Agenda. He is a member of the World Future Council.
Minna Salami
Author and Social Critic (GBR)
Minna Salami is a feminist theorist and founder of the multiple award-winning blog  MsAfropolitan. She is the author of Sensuous Knowledge: A Black Feminist Approach for Everyone, a critical book exploring universal ideas from an Africa-centred, decolonial and feminist perspective. She is co-director of the feminist movement Activate and a Senior Research Associate at Perspectiva. She sits on the advisory board of the African Feminist Initiative at Pennsylvania State University and the editorial board of the Interdisciplinary Journal for the Study of the Sahel. Minna has lived in Nigeria, Sweden, Spain and New York and now lives in London.
"To connect and engage in meaningful exchanges with brilliant minds and "firekeepers" about the multiple crises that our beautiful planet faces. I look forward to deepening our collective knowledge through critical and holistic explorations."
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Carlos Álvarez Pereira
Vice President, The Club of Rome (ESP)
Carlos Álvarez Pereira is an Aerospace Engineer and started his career as a lecturer and researcher in Applied Mathematics at the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). Later he founded and managed several digital consulting companies across Europe, and created a non-profit entity devoted to research in complex systems and AI. Within his activity at The Club of Rome, he's particularly keen on the transformation of R&I processes to respond to our existential challenges.
"The World Ethic Forum and The Fifth Element program I lead at The Club of Rome strongly resonate with each other. T5E explores the emergence of a Human Revolution, through infinite pathways of equitable wellbeing within a healthy biosphere."
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Thais Corral
Founder of the Instituto Sinal do Vale (BRA)
Thais Corral was born in Brasil from a Spanish origin. Her grand father founded the first Vegetarian restaurant in Brasil. She was educated in an environment of respect for animals and nature. So the violence of our society towards non humans was always very difficult for her. When she grew up she became an ecofeminist activist and dedicated her life to improve the lives of women and vulnerable people. She became an advocate for the rights of nature and founded the Instituto Sinal do Vale. She's a member of the World Future Council.
«I truly align with your purpose of replacing the predominant ideology of human supremacy and death with the vision that the planet has to be shared by human and non human beings alike.»
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Alexander Schieffer
Mitgründer von Home for Humanity & TRANS4M Academy for Integral Transformation (FRA)
Alexander Schieffer is an academic activist, passionate educator, integral philosopher and mystic poet. He is Co-Founder of Home for Humanity, a transformative community of «integral worldmakers». A Professor of Integral Development at Da Vinci Institute, South Africa and St.Gallen University, Switzerland, Alexander is author of many books (incl. Integral Development) and co-editor of the Transformation and Innovation Series.
«The inclusive whole-life-based vision of the WorldEthicForum did not only touch my own heart and soul, it is also deeply resonant with the vision of the two organisations I co-founded: Home for Humanity & Trans4m Academy for Integral Transformation.»
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Dr. Rama Mani
Peacebuilder, Poet and Performance Artist, Specialist in Global Security and Transformative Leadership (FRA)
Rama Mani is a peacemaker, poet and performance artist, specialist in global security and transformative leadership. She is also the founder of the Theatre of Transformation Academy and initiator of the Enacting Global Transformation Initiative at Oxford University's Centre for International Studies.
Adedeji Adetoyi
Researcher and Project Director (NGA)
Adedeji Adetoyi is a young Nigerian researcher, project director for women for green jobs in enhancing just transition and inclusive sustainability, and youth advocate with a vast experience in clean energy, climate, and the environment. Incentivized by the importance of quality education in the current environmental situation and future industry trends, he co-founded the IReadtoLive Initiative to enable young people, youth, and communities to develop the knowledge, values, skills, and social responsibility in sustainability standards towards climate action, and with this foundation approach, we started TEACHSDGs with collaboration also from Teach The Future UK (in starting a campaign to repurpose educational curriculum in accommodating climate education). Currently, he's also a representative for the Youth Forum at the World Future Council.
Alexandra Gavilano
Environmental scientist, catalyst for change and campaigner (CHE)
Her Swiss and Peruvian roots have led Alexandra Gavilano to dedicate her life since a very young age to the protection of nature as an environmental scientist, understanding her human self as part of it by stepping into her ancestral inheritance, healing her traumas and learning to heal and connect the human body and mind. She's been an activist for social and environmental justice for 17 years and believes that we can turn into being Earth Protectors and heal together.
"I'm honoured to join this visionary movement & that the web of empowerers & safe space creators is growing like never before and I'm proud to be able to hold space, listen, reflect, share and grow with the collective intelligence and human community."
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Alexandra Wandel
Board Spokeswoman World Future Council, Commission Member UNESCO "Voices of Future Generations", Board Member Basel Peace Office (DEU)

Alexandra Wandel is the spokeswoman for the board of the World Future Council Foundation. She coordinates the work of a global council of 50 thought leaders from all over the world. She directs the Future Policy Award, which is given in the fields of environmental protection and nature conservation, human rights and peace, and in partnership with the United Nations. She has previously worked for Friends of the Earth International in Brussels, Ecopeace Middle East in Cairo and Jerusalem, Greenpeace in Hamburg and for MEPs in Strasbourg, Brussels and Potsdam. She is an associate member of the German Society of the Club of Rome, a commission member of the UNESCO book series "Voices of Future Generations" and a founding member of Lichtpunkt, a trauma therapy centre for refugees in Hamburg. She is the mother of two daughters.

Alyn Ware
Global Coordinator, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament. Peace and Disarmament Program Director, World Future Council. International Representative, Aotearoa (New Zealand) Lawyers for Peace. Director, Basel Peace Office (CZE)
Alyn Ware is a peace educator, international peace advocate and nuclear disarmament campaigner. He was instrumental in the establishment of peace studies and the abolition of nuclear weapons in New Zealand, and the achievement of an International Court of Justice case which affirmed the illegality of the threat or use of nuclear weapons. For this leadership he received the Right Livelihood Award ("Alternate Nobel Prize") in 2009.
"Political action without ethics leads to misguided policy. Ethics without political action permits evil and misery to reign. WEF combines ethics with political action to ensure positive change for the betterment of current and future generations."
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Andrea Keller
Writer, Artist, Curator (CHE)
Andrea Keller a Swiss author, writing coach and arts and culture practitioner who is digging in the field of Nature Writing (in the broader sense) in the age of the anthropocene. She is currently also developing a project titled "Out of the Green. Nature Writing for Future", in the belief that hope and improvement will not come "out of the blue" (not fall from the sky), but if it does, it will crawl and whisper out of the Green – and our innermost being. Photo: Claudia Herzog
" The crises we face root in ravaging narratives. We are sacrificing our future to the delusion of being the crown of creation. This Forum is a chance to discuss our belonging to nature. It's a chance to cultivate a healing story, to drive change."
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Andrea Klepsch
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, Consultant and Coach (DEU)
Andrea Klepsch is a pioneer of Sustainablity Consulting and Communication. 1993 she founded the agency modem conclusa – the culture of relations, based in Munich, with the focus on ecology and social issues. 1995 Andrea founded the German Association for Deep Ecology. Since 2016 Andrea works with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as explanation and orientation what sustainability is and how interwoven and interdependent all human activities are. What was already a focus of Deep Ecology can now be found again in the Inner Development Goals (IDGs), with which Andrea is working within her company as well as within the consulting of modem conclusa’s clients. Andrea is also the co-founder of the German Foundation Cocreatio – Stiftung für Kooperation und kollektive Entwicklung.
Bea Albermann
Medical Doctor, Planetary Health Advocate, Activist (CHE) 
Bea is a medical doctor, planetary health advocate and activist for social and environmental justice, based in Switzerland. Following her passion for health equity and systemic change, she was involved in various youth-led initiatives on a local, national and international level. She is the co-founder of Health for Future Switzerland and the youngest catalyst for sustainable development of the very first future lab of Collaboratio Helvetica. The former WHO youth delegate is internationally recognized for her work including the Forbes 30 under 30 list and two TEDx talks on the health impacts of the climate crisis. Bea currently works with the Centre for Planetary Health Policy and the World Health Organization on health governance within the planetary boundaries. 
Daniel Graf
Political entrepreneur and democracy activist (CHE)
Daniel Graf dreams of global democracy and is the founder of the platform WeCollect. As an experienced campaigner, he has co-initiated several popular initiatives and referendums, including the glacier initiative, the eID referendum and the inclusion initiative for the rights of persons with disabilities. His deepest passion is the further development of democracy – also in the digital sphere. He has written several books on this subject and launched the foundation for direct democracy. He is currently working on a new Swiss federal constitution. (Photo: Dirk Wetzel)
Darco Cazin
Stay At Home Dad (CHE)
Allegra. This is Darco Cazin and he lives in a Swiss mountain village with his family, where he lives in the multilingual area between international tourism and local traditions. He regularly gets moving in the open air and thinks about how we can contribute to a good life. He drinks his coffee black. And in May 2021 he bought his first NFT.
"As a collective, we seem overwhelmed with the world we created. I consider the World Ethic Forum an invitation to learn and exchange about alternative narratives for our present."
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Dolkun Isa
President of the World Uyghur Congress (DEU)
Dolkun Isa, president of the World Uyghur Congress since 2017, has dedicated his life to fighting for the freedom and human rights of the Uyghur people. Because of his activism, he had to flee to Germany in 1996. In exile, he is still subject to reprisals by the Chinese government.
Dominik Waser
Co-Initiator of grassrooted and Climate Activist (CHE)
At 24 years of age, Dominik Waser has already co-initiated significant projects in the sector of sustainable agriculture and food system. He coordinates and directs the organization grassrooted and is the creative mastermind of the initiative. As (almost) full-time activist for Climatestrike Switzerland and Zurich, he coordinates Landwirtschaft mit Zukunft, which takes a stand for social, peasant and agro-ecological agriculture. He is also a campaigner for the popular initiative «For a Switzerland without synthetic pesticides».
Doris Ragettli
Campaigner and Founder of Rights of Mother Earth (CHE)
Doris Ragettli was partly born and raised in Safien, where she learned that when nature is doing well, we are all doing well and taking care of it is a priority. At the age of 18, she moved to NYC after completing her education. In NYC she attended art school and became a flight attendant. In 1991 she returned to Switzerland, worked for Swiss as a flight attendant and for the Hunger Project as a volunteer. In 2011 she founded Rights of Mother Earth for a UN Declaration of the Rights of Mother Earth.
«Striving for the Rights of Mother Earth in our lifetime and an ethical interaction with Mother Earth is dear to my heart.»
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Erin Dixon – Giizhigaate
Director of Knowledge and Indigenous Leadership (CAN)
Bozhoo, Gizhagatte, N’dizhnakaaz, Nimkii Benessai Ndodem, Otompewsiwak, Cree-Michif Kwe Ndaaw, Benessai Ochininissing Doonji. Erin Dixon belongs to the waters of Skeleton Lake, traditional Anishinabek territories in Turtle Island, Canada. Bridging worlds and reweaving pathways towards what is possible and the essence of what is being called to life. She's woven through Reconciliation Canada and fields of collective, systems transformation.
"Uplift and centre our field of unity and vision, in life promotion for all our relations in planetary health and solidarity. Reweaving spheres of Indigenous-ancestral wisdom and natural law to transform and thrive as the prophecy eye of our time."
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Erkin Zunun
Chief Coordinator World Uyghur Congress (DEU)
Erkin Zunun is the World Uyghur Congress’ chief coordinator based in Munich, Germany. His primary focus is being a bridge between Staff members and Board members of the World Uyghur Congress. He studied International Relations at Ankara University, Turkey. He interned with the East Turkestan Union in Europe and was its general secretary in 2006-2009. He worked also as assistant for the WUC General Secretary Mr. Dolkun Isa in 2007-2009. Since 2021 he is the Office Administrator of the Uyghur Center for Democracy and Human Rights (UCDHR), based in Berlin. Erkin Zunun is fluent in Uyghur, English, Turkish, German and Russian.
Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald
Author and Chair of the Supervisory Board of the World Future Council (DEU)
As a practical environmental philosopher Franz-Theo Gottwald enjoys supporting processes of transformation: on a personal level, but also on a systemic level. That is why he spent most of his time in agricultural and food ethics to discover and share sound reasons for an ecologically and socially just food system. Since a lot of agroecological knowledge is at hand it is now high time to implement foodsecurity using the guiding principle of food sovereignity globally. Gottwald is the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the World Future Council.
«We all have to change our behaviour: buy less, enjoy more! The Forum offers a dialogue-platform to identify common opportunities for scaling up best practices and policies to ensure a decent life on earth: transforming consumerism into lifestyles respecting the right to live of all sentient beings.»
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Gaby Belz
Economy for the Common Good and Care economy (CHE)
Swiss, female, born in the middle of the last century, daughter, wife, friend, mother, grandmother, active citizen, thankful for all life is offering, eager to contribute to same privilege for all other living individuals (animals, plants, elements, humans).
«I appreciate the opportunity to promote and discuss the concepts of my two home movements for truly sustainable life conditions in this planet and to learn from others.»
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Godelieve Spaas
Professor New Economy (NLD)
Godelieve Spaas is a professor in new economy at Avans University of Applied Sciences. She engages with and researches radical new economic practices and theories and proposes alternative narratives and working principles. She intertwines artistic practices and research to imagine tomorrow’s economy. She is artist and researcher in residence at the Rabobank Art Department.
"In our search for an economy that benefits all living beings and the earth we need to embrace everyone and everything in our dialogues and actions. WorldEthidForum enables that dialogue from which I truly believe a meshwork of care takers will emerge."
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Hafsat Abiola
Activist for Human Rights and Democracy (NGA)
One of three leaders of Connected Women Leaders, Hafsat Abiola is the President of Women in Africa Initiative, the foremost platform organizing the continent's leading women into a force for sustainable development. She is one of 50 Councillors of the World Future Council, a Special Envoy to Africa for Women Political Leaders, a member of BMW Foundation's Responsible Leaders Group, Vital Voices 100 and an alumna of the World Economic Forum’s Community of Young Global Leaders. She is also the founder of KIND, a civil society organization in Nigeria that trains thousands of women in service-oriented leadership. An economist with degrees from Harvard and Tsinghua; a pro-democracy activist who lost both parents to her country's democracy struggle; and a former member of her state's cabinet in charge of the MDGs and trade and investment portfolios; Hafsat believes women's equal engagement in the economy and governance systems at all levels will lead to a better world.
Helmy Abouleish
CEO Sekem Holding, Councillor of the World Future Council and President of Demeter International (EGY)
Helmy Abouleish is CEO of the SEKEM Initiative in Egypt. SEKEM promotes sustainable development in ecology, economy, societal and cultural life. SEKEM is regarded as the Egyptian pioneer in organic farming and was awarded the Right Livelihood Award. For a long-time, Helmy has campaigned to promote responsible competitiveness, social entrepreneurship, and tackling the greatest challenges of the 21stt century in national and international politics. He is a member of the World Future Council.
«Like a compass, our vision, mission and values guide us in everyday work in all SEKEM companies. Sustainable development towards a future where mankind is living together in social and economic forms reflecting human dignity and ethic principles.»
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Heyer Thurnheer
Contextual Artist (CHE / NLD)
Born (1953 CH) in an industrial family and initially trained at a Professional Baccalaureate School, Heyer Thurnheer quit his engineering career in 1973 and switched to studying Fine Arts at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Years of engaged social science field research and education in social art reform projects followed in the German and Italian regions of Switzerland. Since 2010 he has conducted his initiatives from Rotterdam.
«I engage in participatory, circular thinking based on equality, respect and reason, aiming for ethical freedom. Or we share mutual exchange and joint learning as a suitable form of communication in knowledge generation and transfer.»
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Ivo Hutzli
Cultural manager and permaculture consultant (CHE)

As an electrical engineer and project manager, Ivo Hutzli's path led him from industry to culture in 2006 via cultural management studies. His focus was always on supporting people, groups and organizations, as well as his interest in complex systems. Since 2020, his consulting services have gradually shifted towards permaculture with a focus on holistic process support in agriculture and education.

He is also involved in the following organizations:

"Shaping regenerative ecological, economic and social systems together with people is what's close to my heart: on the way to a post-growth society."
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Jan Colruyt
Initiator zukunft.bahnhof and Pro Creatura Foundation (CHE)
Jan Colruyt is an engineer, care professional, social entrepreneur. He is a seeker of meaning, a forward thinker, a doer. He is married and a grateful father of 5 young adults. His focus areas are: Change: think globally, act locally and change personally - only through inner change can systemic change succeed. Economy: Ownership means responsibility. Are there fairer forms of ownership and economy? I advocate responsible ownership or steward (purpose) ownership. Future: I advocate for sustainable and life-serving solutions. Don't talk - just do it!
«Our world needs radical change. Now. How can we go about it? Collaboratively. Democratically. At home and in the world. Scientifically sound and spiritually coherent. Forward-thinking and questioning. With a spirit of discovery and sensitivity, fun and curiosity, creativity and sharpness. If we think differently, think different things, get to the root of the problem, we can reach for the stars. Join us on a journey with interesting detours and unique hurdles. With people who think differently and like-minded people. That's my motivation for and other projects.»
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Jean-Jacques Jacob
Peasant, Baker, Miller, Poet (GEO)
Founder and CEO of «Momavlis Mitsa» («Future Earth») Association. Founder and CEO of the Bakery «Au blé d’or – by Jean-Jacques» in the Caucasus, Georgia. Creating and carrying Substance of LIFE and PEACE in daily practical life, for example by growing wheat, milling flour and baking bread and also recieving–writing Text-composition by active listening of LIFE in the process of baking, or something else. Find an example on «Bread» here (in german).
John A. Bruce
Researcher, Film/Video Artist, Educator (USA)
John A. Bruce is Associate Professor of Design Strategies at Parsons School of Design, The New School, where he also serves as Co-Director of the Transdisciplinary Design MFA program and the Consortium for Transdisciplinarity. His work is informed through explorations of presence, proximity, temporality, participation, exchange, identification, reciprocity, invitation, care and hospitality. He recently co-led the End of Life project (films, installations, and research), the result of 6 years spent with 5 people at various stages of dying. His recent monograph is Participatory Design and Social Transformation: Images and Narrative of Crisis and Change. He was a 2015/16 Fellow at the Graduate Institute for Design Ethnography and Social Thought at The New School.
Jolanda Gämperli
School Board Biodynamic Education Switzerland (CHE)
As a biodynamic farmer and social facilitator, Jolanda Gämperli has lived, worked and collaborated with her family in a farm community for many years. As a member of the school board of biodynamic education in Switzerland, she is now looking forward to networking and working on an education that focuses on cooperation, participation and the promotion of vitality.
"As participants in the biosphere, it is our responsibility to recognise the delicate interplay of all living beings and to promote dynamic balance."
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Lori Hanau
Founder/CEO Global Round Table Leadership (USA)
Lori Hanau is the Founder and CEO of Global Round Table Leadership, a human-centered design, training and coaching company. A Certified B Corporation, Global Round Table Leadership cultivates transformational learning and stewards the consciousness of shifting from hierarchies to shared leadership ensembles – in companies, nonprofits and networks.
"It was a clear energy that ran through my whole body & brought me more alive and awake, as I heard my friend Luea Ritter share about the World Ethic Forum during a call with 2 other dear friends of us."
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Loukina Tille
Student / coordinator of the Youth4Switzerland project (CHE)
Loukina Tille has been active in the Climate Strike movement. She was involved in the organization of SMILE in August 2019, which brought together 400 young climate activists from 38 countries. She wants to deepen her understanding of system change and practice it. She is involved in different projects; the Fossil Fuel Treaty, Youth4Switzerland. She is studying political science and environmental science in Zürich.
"In 2020 I went to the WorldEconomicForum, but I noticed that this is not the place where I want to be active and bring my contribution. The WorldEthicForum is a place where I feel that the challenges of today are being addressed deeply and truly."
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Lukas Niederberger
Philosopher of Ethics and Theologian (CHE)
Lukas Niederberger studied philosophy in Munich and theology in Paris. From 1995 to 2008 he was director of the Lassalle-Haus educational centre in Bad Schönbrunn near Zug. From 2013-2022, he headed the Swiss Society for the Common Good (SGG) based in Zurich. As a theologian, he is aware that anthropocentric thinking and actions have been strongly created and shaped by religious scriptures and traditions. For this reason, religions have a special responsibility to promote sustainable and holistic thinking and action.
«Effective engagement with nature and climate requires that we internalize a holistic worldview.»
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Mamou Daffé
President of the Festival sur le Niger (MLI)
As social innovator, expert in art and culture management, Mamou Daffé founded the Festival sur le Niger. He is the initiator of the innovative entrepreneurial model "Maaya Entrepreneuriat". In 2011, he created the Kôrè Cultural Centre and the IKAM training institute. He founded the first African Culture Fund (ACF) in 2018 with the continent's leading artists and cultural actors.
"To share with other participants the values around which our organisation is based - the Maaya values - and which emphasise the notions of sharing, solidarity, mutual respect and preservation of the environment."
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Maria Lucia Cruz Correia
Artist, guardian of nature, environmental activist (PRT)
Correia is the founder of voice of nature Kinstitute, an artistic fabulation weaving tools from rights of nature, ecological grief, rituals and restorative justice to imagine radical tools for reciprocal care between humans and more than human. Her work is like an organism that grows in kinship with ecologists, rivers, activists, lichens, environmental lawyers, trees. Photo: Marco Berardi
"To gather, ignite a fire and exchange tools to imagine spaces for renewal and reciprocity between the land and communities."
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Marie-Claire Graf
Lead on National Advocacy at Climate Alliance Switzerland (CHE)
Marie-Claire Graf is a climate justice activist, youth advocate and public speaker for a just transition towards sustainable development, ambitious climate action and intergenerational justice through a diverse engagement in several initiatives on a local, national and international level. She initiated and lead several associations, initiatives and movements and is a nature lover. Her favourite places are mountain lakes. She represents the following organisations: Swiss Youth for Climate, Climate Alliance Switzerland, Swiss Association of Student Organisations for Sustainability, Sustainability Week Switzerland, Sustainability Week International, Real Food Systems, MyBluePlanet and Global Shapers.
«It’s my aspiration to inspire and empower youth to take meaningful, impactful and positive actions to create a momentum for transformation and the WorldEthicForum is a bridge towards it.»
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Martin A. Ciesielski
Banker, clown, citizen of Berlin (DEU)
Martin loves improvisation and free play, and is currently working a lot on FUTURES and the role of humour, play and fun in current transformation processes. But he is also preoccupied with philosophical questions such as "nothingness", for example in the school of nothing.
"Bringing the power of theatre more into transformational processes is my motivation for participating in WorldEthicForum."
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Martin Ott
Farmer, Pioneer, Author (CHE)
From 1998 onwards, Martin Ott was involved in the conception and development of a highly regarded socio-ecological project in Rheinau on one of the largest and most diverse farms in Switzerland, where he took joint responsibility for the large agricultural enterprise in a tenant community and later also for other emerging enterprises, such as Sativa Rheinau AG, Fintan Fünf, and Hans und Wurst Naturmetzg GmbH. From 1992 he was on the board of trustees and the management of the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture in Frick (FiBL). As a musician, he has performed with his brother Andreas on many small stages in Switzerland since 1986. And in 2012 he became known as the author of the bestselling book «Understanding Cows». At the same time he took over the management of biodynamic farming education in Switzerland and, together with farming and state partners, built it up into a new biodynamic agricultural school in Rheinau. From 2022 Martin Ott has successively handed over all his projects into suitable hands, in many cases to young people whom he has trained himself. He has four grown-up children and seven grandchildren and lives in Uerschhausen in Thurgau.
Mohamed El Mongy
Co-founder of the N.I.L.E. journeys (EGY)
Egyptian born, Mohamed El Mongy is co-founder of Sycamore Consulting, he is an environmental consultant and a professional dialogue facilitator, researcher in collective processes, trainer and mediator with 24 years of experience working across sectors in more than 20 countries. He earned his MSc. degree in Environment and Development from Edinburgh University with the thesis on Climate Change effects on forest fringe communities in Ghana, he is currently pursuing his PhD in integral theory in water conflicts at Davinci Institute in South Africa. Mohamed worked throughout his career in different Pan-African and international organizations and co-founded the NILE Journeys; a community platform for the Nile Basin communities. Mohamed is fluent in English, French and Arabic and uses the three languages in his work.
Neshan Gunasekera
Environmental Advocate and Advisor for Peace, Justice and Governance (LKA)
Neshan Gunasekera is an international lawyer, educationist, leadership coach, facilitator and environmentalist. He is committed to bring communities together for environmental protection, healing and conservation through the use of intergenerational, holistic and experiential learning. Neshan continues to contribute to several international, regional and national organizations to further Peace, Justice and Sustainable Development. He's a member of the World Future Council.
«Our Earth faces unprecedented challenges. An ethical framework based on the Principles of Earth Trusteeship needs to urgently inform all our decisions. It is an imperative that cannot be ignored any longer. To do so, would be at our own peril.»
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Nicolas Y. Galeazzi
Performance Artist, Curator, Coach (BEL)
Nicolas Galeazzi is using performing arts as his microscope. Setting-up public labs to explore the big issues of our times, he opens his personal questions to everyone. He is curator at the research institute a.pass in Brussels, works as a coach for special explorations, and engages in socio-political process of transformation. Together with the collective GASTSTUBE° he developed the discussion format «home made climate conference».
«In my perspective of a contemporary world, I would like to live in, our life as economic performance has to be replaced with a living of ecologies. I'm convinced, that the WorldEthicForum is a moment where this replacement is approached.»
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Nora Saratz-Cazin
Mayor of Pontresina (CHE)
Lawyer, mayor of Pontresina and from August 2022 member of the Grand Council of the Canton of Graubünden. Wife and mother of three children. After several years in the city of Zurich and the birth of our two daughters, she longed for nature and returned to Pontresina, where her son was born. Since her return, she has been committed to reconciling work and family life and to the local population.
"We have the great privilege of living here in Pontresina in a still intact nature and well working community. I would love to see this become a reality for everyone. It requires a change in society."
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Olga Mink
Creative director Future of Work Foundation (NLD)
Olga is the artistic director of Future of Work Foundation, a visionary thought leader in times of innovative technologies. And she visiting researcher at Avans University of Applied Sciences. From 2012-2022, Olga was the director of Baltan Laboratories. She recently published the book Co-emerging Economies, an artistic inquiry to alternative economic paradigms, together with Reon Brand from Philips Design.
"I align with the topics that are being addressed by WorldEthicForum, and I am also inspired by the approach of the organisation towards creating an international network as an alternative towards the World Economic Forum."
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Omar Sambou
Multidisciplinary Ph.D Researcher/Lecturer and Environmental Activist (GMB)

I am a Lecturer at the University of the Gambia and a Climate Change negotiator for the government of the Gambia at the UNFCCC. Among other functions, am an award-winning environmentalist and an accredited Multidisciplinary Researcher. I have over ten years of experience in voluntarism and activism on the environment and climate change in The Gambia.

"If humans claim dominion on earth, care for the planet and all life forms become a sacred responsibility. I am motivated by the above self-thought statement that it is our responsibility to better humanity and the earth."
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Rizwana Ilham
Human rights activist, President of the Uyghur Association Switzerland (CHE)
Rizwana is born in Urumqi, Eastturkestan, she's been an activist since the tender age of 12. Currently, she proudly serves as the president of the Uyghur Association in Switzerland and is an active member of the World Uyghur Congress. Her educational journey took her through the realms of economics and languages, and later led her to advocate for human rights. She comes from a lineage of brave souls: her grandfather, a historian, was among the pioneering scholars resisting the regime, and her mother led students during the impactful 1989 demonstration. This has instilled in her an unwavering commitment to freedom and rights from a young age. When she's not engaged in activism, she volunteers at the Red Cross in Zürich, aiding young refugees in their integration journey and teaching them German. Additionally, she runs a trust company and offers support to the Uyghur diaspora and other refugees in Switzerland with their paperwork.
«Let’s connect and make a difference together!»
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Rutendo Ngara
Indigenous Knowledge Systems Researcher (ZAF)
Rutendo Ngara is an African Indigenous Knowledge Systems practitioner and transdisciplinary researcher, who has traversed clinical engineering, healthcare technology management, socio-economic development, mathematics, leadership and fashion design; to the interface between science, culture, cosmology and paradigms of healing. She has a passion for weaving art, science and spirituality towards healing of the Collective and restoration of the Whole.
«To co-learn, co-create and light the fire of Ubuntu and other African indigenous conceptions of interrelatedness, interconnectedness and interdependence within a diverse Collective towards the vision of a World Ethic of radically shared aliveness.»
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Sabrina Furrer
Permaculture facilitator, social worker, farmer (CHE)
Having grown up on both sides of the Atlantic Sabrina enjoys diving deep and discovering new shorelines. After a transformational sabbatical in the tropical rainforest, she decided to root her permaculture journey in agriculture while integrating the social work that is her professional foundation. She facilitates permaculture learning experiences and projects and explore ways to produce healthy food with respect towards the earth.
"Awareness practice including the senses and heartfelt relating are at the core of the work that we are being called to do at this moment on earth"
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Steffi Bednarek
Climate Psychologist (GBR)
Steffi Bednarek's work explores the interface between climate change and mental health, preparing individuals, teams and organizations to include the psychological dimension of climate change in decision-making processes. Steffi has been Head of Mental Health for Higher Education and has worked as a consultant for national governments, the corporate sector, global financial institutions, the sustainability sector, the Council of Europe and large NGOs. Her work has been featured in the Huffington Post, the BBC and numerous international publications and podcasts. Steffi is co-founder of the journal Explorations into Climate Psychology, an associate of the Climate Psychology Alliance and a member of the Climate Change Group of the American Psychological Association.
Tobias Langscheid
President of the Paul Schatz Foundation (CHE)
Tobias Langscheid has used his previous life and working time under the aspect of an environmentally and people-friendly technology. The focus has been on rhythmic inversion technology and the oloid, which has already made important contributions to water treatment, mobility on water and energy generation and will continue to do so in the future. He supports initiatives and companies that want to work in this direction.
"Without a holistic ethic for the whole world, we will not get anywhere as human beings."
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Veena Balakrishnan
Intersectional Entrepreneur (DEU)
Veena Balakrishnan's brush with sustainable development began quite early – she remembers even as a child, deeply caring about building an environmentally and socially conscious society. She's an enabler – and work on empowerment of young people, grass root communities and students to realise their purpose in sustainability and creating an impact in this world. She specialises in climate policy & justice and hopes to work more on human rights in the future.
"The fundamental question that governs me is – what is my purpose in life? and are my actions today aligned with that purpose? I try to be a better version of myself each day while unapologetically trying to create an impact in my community."
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Riaan Kämpfer
Climate Justice Activist (Climate Strike Switzerland a.o.), board member of Citizens' Democracy, Automotive Engineer and future Robotics Engineer, dedicated to the common good (CHE / ZAF)
As a Swiss-South African Citizen, who spent almost half of his youth living abroad in eastern Europe, Riaan Kämpfer was born and raised with plenty of international and diverse background. Experienced in automotive engineering and repair, currently studying Mobile Robotics and doing organisational and strategical work in different movements and organisations, fighting for environmental health since 2019 – mainly active in the Climate Strike movement and pushing forward deliberative democracy as a board member of the organisation Citizens' Democracy, his aim is to build or repair bridges between our society and nature, between different groups of our society also by applying and developing technology where it is helpful for establishing a safe and healthy world.
«Respectful interaction with each other is necessary, so that all of us, i.e. all forms of life, can coexist harmoniously in our common living space. The constant expansion of ethical concepts and guidelines based on them, which are also adapted to the current development of knowledge and technology, is also essential for this.»
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Luc Gnacadja
Luc, a renowned architect and leader from Benin, founded GPS-Development to advance governance systems focused on sustainable development in Africa. Graduating with honors in 1983, he established "IMOTEPH – Architectes & Ingénieurs Conseils" in 1986, emphasizing ecosystem functions and sustainability in governance. Luc served as the Minister of Environment in Benin and played a key role in the UNCCD, advocating for sustainable land development and negotiating the Rio+20 Summit in 2012. His concept of "Land Degradation Neutrality" is integral to the 2030 development agenda. Luc is known for embedding climate strategies in policies and is involved in various international boards. Through his writings, he champions sustainable urban development, advocating for cities to drive transformation and reduce spatial inequalities. Luc has received prestigious awards for his contributions to sustainable development, including the World Bank's Green Award and the Jeffrey Cook Prize in Desert Architecture. His dedication has been recognized by the United Nations General Assembly and the AU Summit.