Thanks for your support!
The long-term intention and dedication of the WorldEthicForum to nurture a culture of care and kindship and to bring this into the world with many kindred spirits need joy, energy, presence, and many other forms of support and joint action. Of course, this also includes money.
We would like to see diverse and long-term funding with large and small amounts from private, public, and institutional sources in order to build the path towards an international, decentral meshwork for a culture of care and kinship in a meaningful and regenerative way.
With your financial contribution, you make it possible that the common work can be done from a network of connectedness. You become part of a worldwide circle of supporters who contribute with different means and in different forms to a new responsibility and life-affirming relationship with ourselves, with each other, and with the earth so that radically shared aliveness becomes real.
Become a donor
We welcome one-time and recurring donations, which we use especially for the travel and accommodation costs of our international firekeepers and speakers.
The WorldEthicForum is a non-profit organisation. Donations of CHF 100.– or more per year can be deducted from Swiss taxes.
Bank details
Postfinance Bern
CH26 0900 0000 1541 8845 3
CH-7412 Scharans
Become a Patreon and Matreon
We are happy to receive international and/or monthly donations from CHF 5.– via the Patreon platform.
For Foundations, individuals, Institutions, and Companies
We would happily discuss specific funding and support opportunities within the WEFo areas with you.
– Firekeeper process
– participatory action research
– organisation building and development
– public programme
We look forward to meeting with you. To make an appointment, please use our contact e-mail.
Legacies and inheritances
Your last will and testament is the beginning of a more radically shared aliveness. A will in favour of the WorldEthicForum allows us to plan the international, decentral meshwork for a culture of care and kinship for the long term. The new Swiss inheritance law from 2023 gives you the opportunity to dispose of half of your estate freely. Of course, your loved ones come first, but the freely available quota gives you the additional opportunity to support a global culture of care and kinship. We thank you for your trust and would happily speak with you personally.